Thursday, March 28, 2013


New Schedule

mar       24-30    week 9 Finish Redo Model, UV, Texture, Begin Rig

mar/apr 31-6     week 10 Finish Rig,
apr        7-13      week 11 Animation
apr        14-20    wee 12 Animation
apr        21-27    week 13 Lighting and Rendering
apr/may 28-4      week 14 Light, Render, Compositing
may       5-11      week 15 Compositing
may      12-18     finals

This Schedule includes the rest of the tutorials on Compositing as well. 

Since I haven't modeled organic creatures in awhile, I had to re-model the stalker several times until I was satisfied. As they say the third times a charm. I'll finish the legs, hands, and feet this weekend as wells as UV, Texture, and start rigging. Having to revisit my filming ideas since the locations last week were a bust due to poor weather and crap equipment. Gonna focus on a shot with no or little camera movement so there is less match moving. 

Third and final version progress (Edge/Contour Modeling)

Old crap first version (Used Box/Subdivision Mdoeling)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Motion Tracking - Whole Lot of Points

Next week I am hoping for good weather and better luck on finding a good location to shoot in Humboldt. Thus far every other location has been a bust. In preparation for this footage I have been following along with the Infiltrator match mover tutorial, using their footage as a test run. Here's a few pics of where i'm at in the tutorial to get an idea of the process.

Footage used to create all the tracking points

What they look like in 3-d space

Thursday, March 7, 2013

More Notes

Another rather boring post, since this week has just been more notes and tutorials.